Writing of the week
Charles Joseph Minard (1781 -1870) was a prominent French civil engineer recognized for his remarkable work in the field of information graphics.
Minard pioneered the use of statistical and technical graphics. He is generally recognized for his Carte figurative des pertes successives en hommes de l'Armée Française dans la campagne de Russie 1812-1813, a chart published in 1869 on the disastrous Russian campaign of the Napoleonic army of 1812. The chart shows different variables in a single two-dimensional image:
- the situation and direction of the troops, showing how the units are divided and regrouped
- the surge of the troops (note for example the crossing of the Bereziná river in the retreat)
- the decline of temperatures and how this influences the casualties.
Edward Tufte called it "the best statistical graph ever drawn" using it as a paradigm in his work The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Howard Wainer would also qualify it as a gem of information graphics, nominating it in his World's Champion Graph.
Articles & Ideas
An interactive guide to color & contrast
A comprehensive guide for exploring and learning about the theory, science, and perception of color and contrast. Nate Baldwin
How to safely upgrade and deprecate components in Figma
While keeping things simple for your design teams. Luka Nikcevic
A Beginner's guide to finding user needs
Qualitative research on user motivations, activities and problems. Jan Dittrich
Measuring user trust
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re shopping for a hotel or a pair of earrings online, and suddenly you are bombarded with warnings to act fast. Rooms are running out. Hundreds of other shoppers have looked at this item. Or even worse, the earrings are already in someone else’s cart! Sarah Gomillion, PhD
An Introduction to Constraint Based Design Systems
Over the course of my 15 years of work in design and engineering, I’ve spent an enormous amount of time thinking about, talking about, building, and maintaining design systems — the structures that make up the foundation of modern user interfaces on the web. Cole Peters
The UX of Phone-Tree Systems: 16 Usability Guidelines
Users who call organizations often find themselves in frustrating phone trees. Badly designed interactive voice response (IVR) systems violate many of the 10 usability heuristics. Tanner Kohler
Copilot for Product Development. Don't write another Product Requirement Document that your team will ignore anyway. Define, design, and deliver with Monterey.
Design and animate like never before. Unleash your creativity with Artboard Studio, all the features you need in the browser.
A theme and a framework. Voxel allows you to build smart, dynamic, complex WordPress sites from the ground up with no coding involved.
Stay on top of your ideas & tasks. Visually organize and manage your work. Walling is a visual workspace that brings clarity to your ideas, tasks and projects.
Snoop forms
The Open-source Typeform Alternative. Code or no-code your multi-page form. Pipe your data exactly where you need it. Maximize your results with juicy analytics.
Create translucent versions of your colors. Alphredo generates translucent (alpha) colors looking the same as their opaque counterparts when placed against the same background.