Types of social interaction
The interaction in a primitive phase is totally abstract, it is our role to be able to transform this abstraction into something more real, more tangible. Based on the stage where we are, we will show this abstraction to others in one way or another, it can be schematic, purely narrative or visual.
Great, but how do I capture all this? You can use flowcharts, storyboards, role-playing, whatever you want, as long as the way you communicate the interaction concept map is effective, but, let's go a little deeper.
We already have the interaction, but which interaction? which typologies are we going to use? which one is more convenient for us? Yvonne Rogers (2015) proposes some models that can be useful when translating this conceptual map into a concrete typology of interaction.
First interaction: Instruction
What do you want the system to do? Tell him. Act on it. When we open a folder, compress a file, send an email, it's an order. We're telling the system, "Hey, do this." It's the most basic form of interaction, both fast and efficient.
Second interaction: Conversation
What do you want to happen? Talk. Interact with him. What's a conversation?
A conversation is an oral, written, or sign language dialogue between two or more people involved. Let's stick to the last one, "what's involved", if you want something from the system you will have to interact with it. When you are about to buy an Apple laptop, first you select what type of laptop, and the system will respond with the models you have available, and you chat with it again. "Hey, if I select 16GB of RAM, how much is it for?" "Hey, this laptop with this configuration will cost you 200 euros more." "-Perfect, what shipping methods do I have?"...
Third interaction: Manipulation
Do you remember the second Nielsen heuristic (1994)? The system has to speak the same language as the user. Although Schneiderman already commented on this in 1983, he said that using this type of interactions, we don't modify the user's scenario within a digital system (direct manipulation).If you have an empty recycle bin, what does the icon look like? and outside the system, what does the empty bin look like in your house, but what if it's full? does it remind you of how it looks in the real world?
Fourth interaction: Exploration
We have total freedom to explore the system, to interact with it, and according to these interactions, "things" will happen. When we go to a new bar or establishment, we spend some time and look at the mobile, we see a small notification according to the settings of our smartphone "You have visited this place, do you want to write a review of it? Here there has been a trigger that has made show this notification, or a physical interaction would be to enter a supermarket and that the doors open automatically as soon as you contact the sensors.
These typologies are not mutually exclusive, but an interaction could be more than one type, and it is our duty to use them according to the context and restrictions.
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