Writing of the week
Hi! I am excited about a little feature that I have added to the Product Database this week, the pricing 😍
It''s just a silly feature, but thanks to this you get a better scanability in a first instance of how much the economic value of the product can be.

The products have been categorised into four price blocks:
- Free Service: the product is free in all its forms, it is open source or totally free. Here would fall all projects made with much love and without profit.
- Freemium: the product offers features for open use but with project or use limitations, with the possibility of unlocking its full potential by paying a fixed amount or via subscription.
- Paid Service: the product can only be used by paying a monthly or one-off fee, with the possibility of a demo or free trials. There are certain products that offer long trial periods such as one or two months, but they are also included in this category.
- Enterprise: products focused on large corporations, where their features are oriented to large teams or very complex cases, making the price of these products very expensive for small teams or individuals.
Although at the moment it is only possible to identify the product through a label, I will soon try to add a possibility to filter by pricing or to exclude paid/enterprise products.
Articles & Ideas
2020 Design Tools Survey
Ever since COVID-19 began to change the way we live, I've wondered how it would change the way we work. The rise of video conferencing and remote work was obvious, but what about a highly-collaborative activity such as design? Taylor Palmer
Team Ops and Product Ops: The Perfect DesignOps Pair
With all the change 2020 has thrown our way, there’s some bittersweet comfort in knowing that one thing has remained stubbornly constant: most design-driven companies are still trying to figure out Design Operations. Rachel Posman
The Lawn Mower Eyetracking Pattern for Scanning Comparison Tables
Users are likely to methodically scan comparison tables row by row, from right to left and back again. Kate Moran
Help and Documentation: The 10th Usability Heuristic
Summary: Interface help comes in two forms: proactive and reactive. Proactive help is intended to get users familiar with an interface while reactive help is meant for troubleshooting and gaining system proficiency. Alita Joyce
Small animations; big impact
The effect of small animations on the user experience and how they improve important KPIs such as conversion rates and discoverability. Two user studies were carried out with more than 140 participants to underpin the findings. Klaus Schaefers
The ROI of design systems: the what, why, who, and how
You might ask yourself, How in the world did they build those so fast? And how do they all look identical? The answer? Modularity. Pete Sena
The Ultimate Mac Website Builder. Blocs is fast, intuitive and powerful visual web design software, that lets you create responsive websites without writing code.
Blob Opera
Create your own opera inspired song with Blob Opera - no music skills required ! A machine learning experiment by David Li in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture
Turn your Google Slides into a website in seconds. Connect your Slides to Slideflow. Slideflow then turns the layers into HTML and CSS. Set up the links and effects and you are good to go!
Tomato 2
Mac app for the Pomodoro Technique. It's simple, beautiful and feature-packed.
Artify Illustrations
Search our vast collection of illustrations featuring unique design styles and a huge variety of characters & concepts - use the built in color generator to match your brand identity and download use-ready illustrations with 1 click!
Pitch Deck Template by Base Templates
The Pitch Deck Template that gets you funded! Save time & money and build your slide deck in no time!
Grow my SaaS
The best way to grow your startup. Unlock a database of 150+ growth and conversion strategies for early stage SaaS startups.
Remote Jobs
All remote jobs links have been removed, as the positions were fulfilled.