Writing of the week
This is the continuation of part six, Design Thinking VI - What is Design Thinking? II
Baeck & Gremett (2011) did an incredible job of listing the fundamental characteristics of Design Thinking:
- Ambiguity: being comfortable when things are unclear or when you don't know the answer, because of the nature of Wicked Problems.
- Collaborative: working together regardless of your disciplines.
- Constructive: create new ideas from old ones, which may also be the most successful.
- Curiosity: to be interested in things that are not understood or to perceive them with a new mindset.
- Empathy: seeing and understanding things from the point of view of the customer users and/or clients.
- Holistic: seeing the broader context for the customer, seeing everything as a "whole", noticing the whole experience, not just one part.
- Iterative: working in a cyclical process in which improvements are made to a solution or idea, regardless of the stage it is in.
- Unbiased: creating ideas without judging the creator of the idea or the idea.
- Open-minded: adopt design thinking as an approach to any problem, regardless of industry or scope
Articles & Ideas
How to actually test UIs
Testing UIs is awkward. Users expect frequent releases packed with features. But every new feature introduces more UI and new states that you then have to test. Every testing tool promises “easy, not flaky, fast”, but has trade-offs in the fine print.Varun Vachhar
The Current State of Mobile UX (18 Common Pitfalls)
Our 2+ year Mobile UX Study reveals that, since our first Mobile Study in 2013, the mobile user experience has generally improved for users.Edward Scott
Unicorns, Foxes, Hedgehogs, the UX Design Bestiary
A bestiary is a collection of animals, and we don’t want to imply that anyone involved in the UX design profession is an actual animal (well, except for human animals), but there are three animals terms that have become common usage in the UX profession: unicorns, foxes and hedgehogs. Interaction Design Foundation
Investing in your career — and in your portfolio
Curating and publishing hundreds of articles every month at the UX Collective, we have noticed an abundance of resources for designers switching careers to management, but a gap for those who want to continue to focus on their craft.Caio Braga
Making Note-taking Easier During A Usability Test
This method works well with solo and group note-taking. I learned this from our UX researcher (Hi, Sam!) and since then, have been using it in all of my sessions. Of course, you can tweak it when needed. There are no hard rules here 😎Justine Win
Seven reasons survey questions are answered incorrectly
Surveys are an essential method for collecting data. But like all research methods, surveys have their limitations. Unless the survey is administered by a facilitator, a respondent has only the survey’s instructions, questions, and response options for guidance.Jeff Sauro, PhD and Jim Lewis, PhD
UXers and Product Managers Both Say Others Intrude on Their Work
A survey of 372 UX and PM professionals shows that duplicative work is frequent and generates confusion and inefficiency.Kara Pernice and Raluca Budiu
Stark Public Library
All about the Public Library launch, our acquisition of a11yresource, and how we’re setting out to help shape the future of accessibility education and community.
UX Challenges
Done reading about UX? Start doing it: Practice with real-world exercises, Train yourself in crucial skills and tools, Take away portfolio-worthy deliverables, Useful for beginners and experts alike.
📷 ProductShot
Make your screenshots as beautiful as your product.
Tasks, notes and calendar all in one blazingly fast productivity app
Free Resume Maker 2
Design a professional resume for free. Save time and effort with the easiest-to-use resume maker. Impress hiring managers with a modern and effective resume and get the job your want.
Mail Studio
Application for designing beautiful responsive emails that work everywhere.
Go from idea to wireframe within minutes. Drag and drop versatile and intuitively customizable components. Focus on your concept without any unnecessary or distracting complexity.
Remote Jobs
All remote jobs links have been removed, as the positions were fulfilled.