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#92 - Launching of the most complete product design course

Sent the February 15th
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Article written by
Juan Jesús Millo

The most complete product design course

Only one week to go until the launch of the course!!! 💜

Yes, that's right, on the 22nd of February I will be launching the most complete free digital product design course on different product launch platforms! I'm looking forward to it!

This week I've had a regular thing happen to me in terms of the launch and it's that apparently everything that comes to be courses and learning resources on Product Hunt is penalised quite a lot, that is, if it has a lot of relevance, it might make it to the first page, but most likely not.

What does this mean? That even if it has a high visibility, being penalized, there is only a remote possibility that the product is perceived on this website, but that does not mean that it discourages me, on the contrary! This is when I will need all your support to vote in Product Hunt as soon as it comes out 😍.

Hopefully I'll be able to release it that day, otherwise I'll have to release it the following Tuesday, but hopefully not.

Sorry for being so short but I have to finish a couple of things before the upload!

Thank you so much, you guys are awesome 💜

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